Friday, June 14, 2024

"Ender's Game" (2013)

I read the novel years ago as a child (teen?) and I did enjoy it. Orson Scott Card's intentions with the book I don't think I fully understand. But I remember being pretty floored by the "twist" at the end. I did find it unbelievable all these kids are at battle school to save the entire world, but a lot of "children's" stories have the "one" that saves everyone. But it was unusual it was in an "adult" section of the book store, i.e, science fiction. I remember really enjoying the science fiction/ fantasy section of Paperbacks Unlimited, a store in my town that had all the mass paperbacks that were so common when I was a kid. Now everything is a trade paperback that is $20 or more or some insanely priced hardcover. Back then I could get a book for $4.95 to $$6.95? I was not reading classic literature but perusing the new releases and top ten sections of Gemco or B. Dalton. (I'm dating myself here.) Back to "Ender's Game," I know it's a fraught movie/book because of the author's known homophobia. But I did enjoy the book and I do enjoy watching the movie over and over again on whatever streaming service is running it on. From the lens of today, child warriors is a horrific thought. But it is a compelling idea that is I think pretty well executed given the denseness of the book. The battle school setting, the bullying, the flying around in the zero gravity arena, it's kind of catnip to me. Also the lead Asa Butterfield I think did a good job of being Ender. To be the "One" you have to be likable and I like him. A young Hailee Steinfeld is convincing as the bad ass classmate/love interest. I think the setting the school is well done. Some of the CGI does not hold up in 2024, but for 2013 it was good. Harrison Ford phoning it in as the "Morpheus" character, but he does have the gravitas as a military leader even while phoning it in. I don't remember how the book ends so I'm not sure if it matches what the movie did. If it didn't exactly, it got the idea anyway. I remember reading "Speaker for the Dead" which I think is the sequel but not understanding it very much. I did enjoy "Ender's Game" and continue to rewatch.

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