Saturday, February 26, 2011

"His and Her Circumstances"

I watched the stream of "His and Her Circumstances" on Hulu.  I enjoyed the series, even shedding a few tears during some episodes.  Miyazawa is a model student who is a model student just to be admired by others.  Arima is a model student to live up to his own pressures of being perfect due to his family circumstances.  The couple, their families, and their friends are the focus of this romance/comedy/drama.  I kind of have a thing for Arima now :p.  I recommend watching the series, but my two complaints are: 1) two episodes of the 26 are recaps! 2) some episodes are hardly animated, more like "Paddington Bear" shorts with the moving cut-outs, or simply shots of static pictures with lots of text next to them.  I guess Gainax (the animation company) is famous for it's artsy episodes (ala Evangelion where when the money runs out, they get creative with black and white and no animation).  But, besides that, the human stories are real and entertaining and the couple is so darn likeable. 

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