Friday, February 8, 2008

Year of the Rat

Happy New Year! It's the year of the rat. I just realized I am a pig and not a rat! I always suspected and my mom wasn't sure either, but when I punch in my birthday, I barely miss being a rat by like 2 days.

Alas, I did not hit a $25,000 jackpot in Reno. Of course, betting pennies won't get you one.

I am going to attempt to install the new tv I got recently. This will take me hours since I am not mechanically or electronically handy. When you consider dvd player, cable box, and my wii, it's gonna take me a while.

I think I gained about 5 lbs over the past days of overindulging. I highly recommend the Atlantis buffet (especially the Mexican food side, which had excellent chile rellenos just sitting there which I didn't expect much of, but was surprisingly good.) Also, the Peppermill coffee shop has cheap eats with huge portions and prebuttered toast if you get breakfast. Also Safeway supermarket cakes are excellent. Foodie out.

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